Copyright © Himal Vision: Christoph Seiffert, Switzerland
Christoph Seiffert is responsible for the web site, searches sponsors and donations.
Born in 1959 and grown up in Winterthur, Switzerland / After school vocational training
as an educator / At 26 seasonal summer-
Occasional journeys to the Himalayan region / Volunteer work for NGO’s in Tibet / Worked from 2005 till 2012 in the summer seasons for
“Tibet Culture & Trekking Tour >>” as a Tour-
“When I travelled the first time to the Himalayans I recognized that my former view of being not rich was wrong.
Even not having a lot in a highly developed country means having much more than needed in a poor region.”
Christoph worked many years during the colder season in Switzerland in a project
supporting young people with difficulties getting into jobs. Have a look at: “bau-
Since 2013 working with handicapped people at “Argo>>” in Switzerland.