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Himalayan Health Improvement

District Rasuwa Photos

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In the Himalayan region health care is a case of luck or misfortune.

If one gets seriously sick or wounded in these areas there is often no help available.

Many people are handicapped due to the lack of even simple medical treatment. Often mothers die after delivery. Infant mortality is very high.

A future goal of Himal Vision is to improve the local health- and hygienic situation in the mountain areas.

We hope to become able to provide:

- Help to setup health stations with well trained nurses in bigger settlements.

- A basic range of medicine in the health stations.

- Teaching of locals in daily hygienic, wound- and disease treatment.

- Free of charge medical treatment and medicine for the poorest.

- Yearly free eye- and teeth check-ups for the poorest.

- Financial support of penniless people in need of hospital treatment.

- Help to setup local health insurances with financial participation of the local citizens.

This is clearly a future goal for us. At the moment we have our focus on finding enough financial support for the orphans and elders we care for.

Today's health situation in remote Himalayan villages is not sufficient